New price plan 18 months of low price rate
HERON anticipated the liberalisation of the electricity market since 2000. Today, the installed capacity of the electricity generation unit fueled by natural gas amounts to 442 MW.
HERON has been an established leading player in the field of electricity production for more than a decade and is the first Group to make such an investment in Greece, because it anticipated the liberalisation of the electricity market since 2000. Currently, the installed capacity of the natural gas-powered electricity generation plant, located outside Thebes, amounts to 442 MW.
The HERON unit, with a capacity of 442 MW, is one of the most state-of-the-art and technologically-advanced power plants in its field. Considering that the average output of gas-fuelled power plants in Greece does not exceed 54%, HERON unit’s 58% output instantly ranks the plant at the top technological echelons. The plant’s high output means less fuel consumption, leading to less carbon (CO2) emissions; as a consequence, HERON unit is an environmentally-friendly power plant second to none, with the exception of renewable energy sources.
1 295MW gas turbine, 1 waste heat recovery boiler and 1 147MW steam turbine.
4 kilometres south of the city on the old Thiva to Elefsina national road.
Flat surface with gentle slopes, altitude 295 m.