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What is net metering?
Net metering is the offsetting of the energy transmitted to the Grid from a power station against the energy absorbed in the consumption facility of the self-generator. This concept refers to a power station installed within the same area, or an area adjacent to the consumption facility, which is connected to the distribution network through the same supply connection. In net metering, energy doesn’t have to be simultaneously generated and consumed – if the generation is less than the consumption, consumers only pay the difference.
What are the basic terms and conditions for installing photovoltaic power stations with net metering?
The basic terms and conditions for installing power stations with net metering are:
Is it permitted to install a power station that refers or is assigned to more than one consumption meter?
No. In net metering, each consumption meter is assigned to a single power station, i.e. a supply connection number. Assignment to more than one consumption meter is allowed only in the framework of virtual net metering.
What is the duration of a Net Metering Agreement?
A Net Metering Agreement is entered into between a Supplier and a self-generator for an effective period of 25 years, beginning from the date when the supply of a power station becomes activated. In case of change of Supplier after activation of the power station, the Net Metering Agreement with the previous Supplier will automatically be terminated and the self-generator will enter into a new Net Metering Agreement with the new Supplier for the remaining term of the 25-year period. The same applies for transition of an operating PV station installed in the framework of the Special Programme for Development of Photovoltaic Stations in buildings (according to the provisions of FEK B/1079/2009) subject to the regime of self-generation with net metering.
When is energy metered, and in which cases does net metering apply between generated and consumed energy?
The metering of electricity generated from the power plant, as well as the electricity transmitted into and extracted from the electricity grid is done simultaneously by HEDNO, in accordance with the existing metering cycle that governs the consumption facility of a self-generator.
The Supplier finalizes the net metering procedure in the bills of actual consumption of electricity, based on the metering details provided by HEDNO according to each metering cycle. In any case of inability to receive indications at the date of scheduled metering, due to any reason, the offsetting process will take place after the next regular metering.
What are the provisions regarding regulated charges?
Regulated charges are calculated according to the following modes: