New price plan 12 months of low price rate
Since 2005, the Greek market has applied the mandatory pool model. According to this model, electricity producers declare, on a daily basis, the megawatt hours (MWh) distributed for production and their respective distribution rates. Electricity suppliers, in turn, declare the amount of electricity (also in MWh) they require in order to meet customer demands. Thanks to the daily energy planning (DEP) of the Greek Energy Exchange (Hellenic Energy Exchange), the electricity supply is matched to electricity demand in order to determine the System Marginal Price (in €/MWh) that electricity suppliers pay to purchase the MWh they need and electricity producers collect in consideration for the MWh they produce.
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The Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) of Greece is an independent regulatory authority whose main responsibility is to supervise the Greek energy market.
Electricity generation is accomplished by exploiting various primary energy sources, such as fossil fuel (oil, natural gas, lignite, coal, etc.), renewable energy sources (RES) or other contemporary technological means (large hydropower plants, pumped storage hydropower systems, etc.). HERON has been actively involved in electricity generation for more than ten years through HERON THERMOELECTRIC S.A. (HERON I) and HERON II VOIOTIA THERMAL POWER PLANT S.A. (HERON II), respectively. We are the first group in Greece to proceed with such an investment, aspiring to liberalise the Greek electricity market, an ambition that goes back to 2000. Nowadays, the total installed power capacity of our two (2) gas-fired power plants, both located outside Thiva, amounts to 582 MW.
The Greek Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO) is in charge of the Greek transmission network, while the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator (HEDNO) is responsible for the distribution network. IPTO is engaged in the operation, maintenance and development of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System (HETS), in order to ensure the country’s electricity supply in a manner that is safe, efficient and reliable.
HEDNO is engaged in the operation, maintenance and development of the electricity distribution network of Greece (interconnected and non-interconnected grid systems) and ensures the transparent and unbiased access of consumers and access of all grid users in general.
Since 2004, professional and industrial consumers are free to choose their electricity supplier. In a similar manner, residential consumers are entitled to select their supplier and electricity plan of choice since July 1st, 2007, with the exception of consumers situated in non-interconnected islands, which are still subject to market restrictions. HERON provides unrivalled competitive power plans for residential consumers and businesses alike. We guarantee top customer service, the provision of innovative services, and the confidence that our customers will have absolutely nothing to worry about regarding environmental impact.