New price plan 18 months of low price rate
We are patient and sensitive when handling concerns and problems of others. We are open, honest and fair in our interactions with our teams, associates and customers.
Effective communication is the stepping-stone for our personal and professional relationships. Our wish is to assist and empower the abilities and potential of our own people. Therefore, we always keep an open mind and communicate with honesty and discretion.
We cooperate, we perform our daily duties with enthusiasm, and we satisfy the needs of our workers, associates and customers.
We exploit the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through our education, training and experience.
If you are interested in the prospects of a career with unquestionable potential and capacity for development, we invite you to join HERON’s team. See the available job openings below.
SEE ALL OPENINGSThe Société Anonyme under the name “HERON SINGLE MEMBER S.A. ENERGY SERVICES” / “HERON ΙΙ THERMOILEKTRIKOS STATHMOS VIOTIAS SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME” and the distinctive title “HERON ENERGY S.A.” / “HERON II VIOTIAS”, respectively, (hereinafter the “Company”), the founding Company of the website offers its services under the following terms of use, which the visitor / user (hereinafter referred to as “Visitor / User”) or / and the user / member (hereinafter referred to as “User / Member”) of the pages of the website is required to read carefully and visit / use the pages / services of, provided that they fully accept the abovementioned terms.
I. Preamble
The Company provides to the Visitors / Users and Users / Members of the website a wide range of services, pages, options or / and sources, including various communication tools, user public access and communication sites, services / pages of personal nature and content. The pages of may include any type of ads. The existing services, as well as any new services to be included in are subject to these terms of use, unless explicitly otherwise stated. The Visitor / User and User / Member of the services of understands and accepts that all pages / services are provided “as is” and that abdicates any responsibility regarding restricted duration, erasure, low performance or inability of online storage of any data of the users or / and any content of personal pages / services. The Visitor / User and User / Member assume full responsibility of access to the services of and the relevant access may require payment of fees to third-party agents [e.g., Internet service providers, Internet Time Charging]. The Visitor / User and User / Member assume full responsibility to pay the relevant fees. Additionally, the Visitor / User and User / Member assume full responsibility for any personal equipment including the required technological means of access to the services of
II. Subscription
In case the Visitors / Users wish to subscribe to the services of as Users / Members, they agree to: a] provide true, accurate, valid and complete information about the details required by in the requests for access to its content / services and b] maintain and diligently update their subscription information so that they are held true, accurate, valid, up-to-date and complete.
III. Intellectual and industrial property rights - trademarks
With the exception of cases explicitly stated herein (copyright of third parties, associates and entities), all content of, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services provided, and generally all archives on this website, constitute intellectual property, registered trademarks and service marks of and the Company and are protected by the relevant provisions of Hellenic law, European law and international conventions and treaties. Therefore, none of the above items may be wholly or partially sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished , edited, processed,, transmitted or distributed in any way. An exception includes the case of individual storage of a single copy of the contents on a single personal computer for personal use only, excluding public or commercial use, as well as the deletion of origin indication of, in order to protect the relevant intellectual and industrial property rights of and the Company in any way. All the products or services listed on the webpages of this website with the trademarks of the corresponding organizations, companies, collaborating bodies, unions or versions constitute their own intellectual and industrial property and, therefore, these bodies are responsible for the use of the above services. The Visitor / User and User / Member understands and accepts that they are not entitled to reproduce, copy, sell, resell or / and use all or part of the content of in any way.
IV. Limitationof liability
Due to the nature and volume of the Internet, the Company shall not, under any condition including the event of negligence, be held liable for any damage caused to the Visitor / User and User / Member of the pages, services, options and content of, which they access on their own initiative. The content of is provided “as is” with no guarantee, expressed or implied guarantee whatsoever. To the fullest extent and in accordance with the law, the Company disclaims all guarantees, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, those that imply marketability and appropriateness for a particular purpose.
The Company does not guarantee that the pages, services, options and content of will be provided without interruption or / and errors and that those errors will be rectified. Additionally, the Company does not guarantee that the site or/and any affiliated site or servers through which the above sites are made available to Visitors / Users and Users / Members do not contain viruses or any other harmful component. Moreover, under no circumstances does the Company guarantee the accuracy, completeness or availability of the content, pages, services, options or results of The cost of any rectification or services is borne by the Visitor / User and User / Member and not by the Company, in any event.
V. Exclusion of liability for information / advice
The content and information included in are an offer to the Visitor / User and User / Member of and to the community of Internet users and under no circumstances may the above content and information be construed as valid information or / and advice, nor do they imply any suggestion to undertake or refrain from certain actions. The Company, through, undertakes the collection, editing and distribution of its content, but under no circumstances does it guarantee its thoroughness, completeness, adequacy and generally its appropriateness and the absence of any errors, mainly due to the significant size of its volume, as well as the participation of third parties [natural or legal persons] during its primary production and collection. Consequently, by using its services on their own initiative, the Visitors / Users and Users / Members of also assume the relevant responsibility to cross-check all provided information.
VI. Links to other sites
The Company does not control the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of the services of other websites and pages to which refers through links, hyperlinks or banner ads. Therefore, for any occurring problem during their visit / use, the Visitor / User or / and User / Member shall contact the relevant websites and pages directly, which bear full responsibility for the provision of their services. Under no circumstances shall it be considered that the Company adopts or accepts the content or services of the websites and pages to which provides links and connections.
VII. Services and pages of a personal nature and content
The User / Member understands and accepts that the Company may adopt new terms for the provision of its services including the time limits that maintains emails, forums, user pages or / and any other content that the User / Member posts. Additionally, the Company reserves the right to modify the permitted limits regarding the size and number of emails that a User / Member may send from his / her account, messages and any other content posted by the User / Member on the services of Moreover the Company reserves the right to modify storage limits for content provided through its services to Users / Members at any time and without notice. The Users / Members understand and accept that the Company reserves the right to deactivate email accounts at that remain inactive by Users / Members for a long amount of time [over six (6) months].
VIII. Forums
The Company through the site may provide Visitors / Users or / and Users / Members with the possibility to form their own “Message Board”, allowing them to participate in the conversation of a “Message Board” created by other users by sending text messages. In case the above possibility is provided, Visitors / Users or / and Users / Members of are required to comply with rules of conduct and avoid the use of illegal or immoral language. The site reserves the right to prohibit or interrupt the display of any text message in the event of a breach of the above terms. Under no circumstances shall it be considered that adopts or accepts personal views / opinions expressed in the above message boards. Visitors / Users or / and Users / Members of these services reserve the right of intellectual property in the opinions expressed in their messages. In the event that the Company is notified that the content of any / some messages posted by Visitors / Users or / and Users / Members in is offensive to third parties, it reserves the right to immediately delete the message or even the account of the User who posted that message.
IX. Applicable law and other terms
The above terms and conditions of use of, as well as any modification thereof, are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the Hellenic law, European Union law and relevant international treaties. Should any provision of the above terms be contrary to law, it shall cease to apply and is repealed without prejudice to the validity of the other terms. These terms constitute the overall agreement between the Company and the Visitor / User or / and User / Member of its pages and services of and are binding only to the latter. No modification of these terms will be taken into consideration and shall not constitute part of this Agreement unless it has been expressed in writing and incorporated therein.
By submitting your CV you register your intention to be considered with a view to concluding an employment contract for the vacancy you are applying for, as well as for other vacancies, current or future, on the basis of the suitability of your qualifications and skills.
HERON Group of Companies (including its parent companies and their subsidiaries) will keep your CV in its files and will examine and compare it against the qualifications required by future vacancies for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of its submission. Thereafter, it will be deleted from HERON Group
of Companies’ (including its parent companies and their subsidiaries) files. If you want HERON Group of Companies to keep you CV in its files for future reference, you are kindly requested to resubmit it at the end of the 12-month period, even without applying for a specific vacancy.
You may request removal of your CV from HERON Group of Companies’ files at any time by contacting HERON Group of Companies’ DPO i.e. PISTIOLIS - TRIANTAFYLLOS & ASSOCIATES LAW FIRM at [email protected], tel: 210-3626971, fax: 210-3626974
For more information on HERON Group of Companies’ privacy policy and on your rights under the currently applicable legislative framework please click here.