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Efficiency and economy form the path towards sustainable recovery. In practice, saving energy means saving money on your bill and actively participating in the effort to protect the environment at the same time.



The cleanest form of energy is the one not consumed. Energy consumption is directly related to both climate change and the struggle to restrain its consequences.



Low temperature

Turn down the heat when the food starts to boil, in order to maintain boiling.

Smart use

Are you in the mood for a cup of hot coffee? Fill the boiler only with the quantity of water necessary for your beverage.  

Smart boiling

When you cook vegetables, use only enough water to keep vegetables covered.

Boiled water

Boil water with a boiler instead of waiting for water to boil in the pot. It’s quicker and consumes less energy!

Pot lid

Use a saucepan or pot with the right size for your burners and cover it with a lid. This will help it heat quicker and use up less electricity or natural gas.

Simultaneous cooking

Purchase a steam cooker or a multi-compartment pot or saucepan to simultaneously cook various vegetables on one single burner.

Use of microwaves

You can cook your food in the microwave oven – it cooks faster and consumes less energy.

Use of heat

Turn off the burner or oven for approximately 20 minutes before serving and let residual heat do the rest.

Keep the oven door closed

Keep the oven door closed while cooking. Heat losses may reach 25 degrees whenever you open and close the oven door.



Right temperature

Never put hot food in the refrigerator as it upsets interior temperature. Always leave your food to cool down before putting it in your fridge.

Refrigerator temperature

Set the temperature of your refrigerator between 3oC and 5oC.

Proper use

Avoid opening and closing your refrigerator door more times than you have to during the day. In addition, never leave your refrigerator door open for longer than needed.


Defrost your refrigerator and freezer regularly to avoid the accumulation of ice, which, in turn, prevents proper freezing.

Proper arrangement

Arrange your kitchen so your refrigerator won’t be near the stove or at a spot directly exposed to sunlight.

Clean refrigerator

Remove the dust from the rear of your refrigerator every once in a while. When dust accumulates on the coils, it makes your refrigerator consume more energy for its operation.

Energy consumption

Purchase a new A+++ class refrigerator with low energy consumption. This allows you to save many euros a year.



Scheduled washing

Instead of washing every day, collect all your clothes and wash them once a week!

Ecology wash

Use your ecology wash setting, which saves both energy and water.

Natural drying

Dry your clothes outside instead of using the dryer.

Clean filters

Keep your washing machine filters clean.


Make sure that you unplug the washing machine after you are done washing. Leaving your washing machine plugged in means that it will continue to consume energy.



Radiator bleeding

Don’t forget to clean and bleed your radiators to save energy and time during winter.

Use a drying rack

As tempting as it sounds, don’t leave your clothes to dry on the radiator. Doing so makes radiators work harder than they have to.

Block sunlight

It takes a lot of energy to keep your house cool during the summer. You can save energy by blocking the sunlight that enters your house during the day. Use blinders to cover your windows.


Thermostat regulation

Set the temperature on your thermostat so it won’t exceed 18oC–20oC.

Night sleep

Adjust your thermostat to lower temperatures while sleeping; this will prove beneficial for both your energy consumption and your health!

Turn your radiator off

Don’t leave your radiator on in high temperatures when you’re out of your property.

Smart heating

Use the timer of your central heating (and not the thermostat) to turn heating on and off.

Proper placement

Keep your radiator at a distance from large furniture. For example, avoid placing a couch in front of the radiator, because the couch will absorb a large amount of heat.

Heating panels

If your radiators are fixed on exterior walls, try placing heat panels behind them; this will allow the heat to be reflected around the room.

Heat deflection

If you have a house with high ceilings, you can place a shelf right above the radiator. This will help the heat deflect towards the centre of the room instead of moving upwards towards the ceiling.

Home insulation

Invest in home insulation. Wall insulation will save you a lot of money on an annual basis. In addition, if you stick duct tape over window gaps, this will keep heat from escaping outside.

Regular maintenance

Check and maintain your boiler and natural gas tanks regularly.

Temperature control

Control the temperature in each room by using devices (such as thermostatic heads) installed on each radiator.

Decrease temperature

Decreasing your room temperature by 1oC allows you to save energy that is approximately equal to 6% of the total energy consumed.



Energy saving

To save more energy at home, don’t leave your water heater on for longer than you have to, depending on the quantity and temperature of the water you need.

Shower duration

Don’t take showers longer than approximately 10 minutes; otherwise, purchase a shower monitor to see the quantity of hot water you are using.

Choice of boiler

In case of boiler replacement, install a condensing or high-efficiency boiler.



Reduce losses

Reduce heat losses in the office or at home by blocking any door or window gaps with insulating materials, such as common duct tapes or silicone.

Energy consumption

All modern appliances feature an energy label that informs purchasers about their energy efficiency. Choose an appliance with low energy consumption.

Turn out your lights

The energy consumed when your office lights are left on for a year can easily keep your house warm for three months.

Clean lamps

Clean your lamps regularly and it won’t be long before you notice their improved efficiency.

Roller blinds in windows

To better adjust natural lighting, choose movable roller blinds instead of curtains for your windows.

Natural lighting

Allow natural light to enter your space through as many sides as possible. This achieves greater sufficiency and greater allocation at the same time.

LED lamps

Replace all plain lamps with LED lamps. It is a well-documented fact that the use of LED lamps allows a saving of up to 90% of the electricity consumed by common incandescent lamps.

Keep your lights out

Turn out the lights when you exit a room. The consumption resulting from lights amounts to 12% of the total consumption in typical electricity bills.

Appliance consumption

Check the indication of electricity consumption before purchasing an appliance; consumption varies from one appliance to the other (even if placed in standby mode).

Keep your switches turned off at all times

Close down the TV set, DVD player and sound system from their switches and not by remote control. Turning these devices off remotely puts them in standby mode, which means that they keep consuming electricity.


Unplug every electrical appliance you are not using – TV sets, DVD players and sound systems consume energy even when turned off and not used.

Charging duration

Don’t leave your phone plugged and charging all night long. It only takes a few hours for it to become fully charged.

Turn off your laptop

Don’t leave your laptop or desktop turned on all day long. Try keeping it turned on only when you are using it.